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  • Sony Products I Own
    MXD-D40, MZ-R70, DVP-SR200P, CDP-CE525

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    New York

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  1. I think I answered my own question...from the FAQ: 7. What happens when I try to play an LP track on old, non-MDLP hardware? The track is played as silence. A 20 min. LP2 track is played as 10 min. silence. A 20 min. LP4 track is played as 10 min. silence (because the MD unit thinks it's playing an SP mono track). The non-LP machine's display of the track name is also likely to show the characters "LP:" at the beginning of the title. These characters are put there by MDLP recorders in their factory default setting (this feature, called "LPstamp", can be disabled). MDLP machines will also strip off the initial "LP:" (if LPstamp is enabled) when displaying LP track names. Leaving the above in case it's of use to other MD newbs like me...unless the mods deem better to delete thread. FB
  2. The title says it all. I just got an MXD-D40 CD/MD deck and I dubbed a couple of CD's using LP2 mode but it doesn't play on my MD Walkman MZ-R70. The display looks like it's playing but no audio is heard. Am I doing something wrong or does the portable not have the ability to play LP2 recordings? Thanks.
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