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Tony Powell

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Everything posted by Tony Powell

  1. Thanks for all the info. I really appreciate it. I had to restore my whole W10 machine but finally it's working again. Fortunately, I didn't have a previous library, so all is good again!
  2. I recently purchased a MZ-NH700 which is great. Installed SonicStage 4.3 on my W10 machne and everything is working fine. I made my first Hi-SP recording from vinyl and it transferred into My Library with no issues. I made another recording a few days later and it just won't transfer? I don't get any kind of error message. I see that it tries to transfer but then nothing happens. I have tried different discs; regular discs fromatted as HI-MD and even a 1GB Hi-MD disc. Still can't transfer. Even the recordng that did originaly transfer now wont. Any thoughts? This is driving me nuts! I have also unistalled and re-installed SS to see if that would solve the problem but it didn't. Just to confirm these are Hi-SP recordings I can see them in SS and even play them.
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