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Everything posted by jld2016

  1. Finally got my hands on a pre-recorded minidisc, and managed to go through the whole adjustment procedure, including the "Overall" one, and it's all ok now. So, I confirm that you were perfectly right : no need to rewrite NV parameters, and therefore no need for USB_PatchWriter. Thanks a lot for your help!
  2. Ok. I have been going through the Overall Adjustment, but stuck so far as I don't have a CD disk, (doesn't work with recorded MO... stuck on test 324...) I am currently waiting for a prerecorded MD to be delivered.... I'll keep you posted ;-)
  3. Thank you for the hint. What I did so far, is reseting the NV RAM and gone through the "Manual Adjustment" up to, and including the power adjustment. However, when I exit the test mode and restart in "normal" mode, the LCD displays "ERROR" So, refering to the thread quoted below, I was assuming USB_PAtchWriter was needed. I will retry the fulll adjustment/alignement procedure to its completion, and hopefully that should resolve it then...
  4. I am pretty sure it's needed, as I already reseted the NV memory as per service manual instructions, and therefore need restoration of NV content. The rom version I have is 1.600. Looking forward to try out your disk.. Thaï you for help.
  5. Does anyone know were to download Sony's USB_PatchWriter.exe application ? I am indeed in the process of realigning my good old MZ-N710.... I found some reference to t in this forum, but links appears to be broken. Thanks ! JL
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