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Everything posted by rigsby

  1. With your sarcastic tone, its doubtful i will WE can't all be tech wizards, like you obviously rate yourself as Anyway, freddy has posted the most useful advice, so i wouldnt bother adding anymore if i were you
  2. Thats starting to get over my head, technically, so i'll just stick to the regular way of recording
  3. Thanks freddy - i'll let the MD record in its natural state, as you suggest. You've been a great help - thanks I can start when the cable turns up from Ebay
  4. Yes, i'll use VLC to play each folder I just played a folder of Joe Walsh tracks and VLC does not push the tracks together, so there are natural gaps between tracks, which is enough to cause the MD to recognise a new track, i hope ? According to your advice, does that mean i do not need to use the auto pause function on the MD while recording ? If there are already gaps between the MP3's , what would happen if i use the auto pause function on the MD as well ?
  5. Thanks Freddy Will use the pause function and see if that creates the separation i'm after. I'm not sure which of the 10 gig of MP3's i have where one track runs into another, but if i do have some, then i guess it will split them and i can live with that The MP3's on PC are in their own folders .. EG Blues, Funk, Reggae etc and i will change blanks for each different folder I'd rather not go down the Sonic Stage software or NetMd right now.
  6. Hi to all and apologies if this has been covered. New here and not so tech savvy I'd like to record my MP3 collection on my PC to my Sony MDS JE470. I'm aiming to buy a S/PDIF to Toslink Optical cable ( from PC card to the Sony Deck ) for transfer. The problem i think i'm going to have is that when playing back the MP3 collection, and hitting record on MD.. is that the MD will see my MP3's as one long track. I want them as separate tracks so that when playing back on the MD, i can skip forward between tracks , etc. According to the manual, i can set the MD to pause between tracks ( presumably it will hear a silence between my MP's ) but does that mean that this recorded silence is track separation, or just a silence and it will still just record one long track ? If the MD doesnt record as a separate track using the pause function, how do i get one 70 minute track to be 20 separate tracks on the MD with resorting to downloading software ? Or is software my only option ? I'm trying to get this done without having to manually sit at the PC and separate every track manually. I dont mind at all having to be recorded in live time, but i dont want to have to be sat there monitoring it. There's 10 gig of MP3's and i dont want to die at the PC right now. I want to set it to record and then walk away and let it do its thing. I realise i can only do 70 mins at a time ( or whatever a blank MD takes ) but thats better than having to be there permanently Many thanks Pete
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