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Everything posted by sbrochew

  1. sbrochew

    Screen issue

    Thanks for a. I was not aware of that. I am very thorough though, I do plenty of research before doing anything for the first time. I am a long time computer builder and do have a background in electrical so (b) is no issue. An inverter replacement is a very simple process. Already have the old one removed and waiting on the new part to arrive. I am going to replace the screen as well. Might as well seeing as I have some minor scratches. Thanks for your responses.
  2. sbrochew

    Screen issue

    I have looked into this and currently have the laptop almost apart to get the serial numbers for the inverter and the screen. It is a simple replacement. Thank you for the response.
  3. sbrochew

    Screen issue

    I own a Sony VAIO VPCF115FM, Model number PCG-81114L. It is quite old but was working perfectly up until a few days ago. The screen started flickering and would sometimes go black. I could hit the display off button a couple of times and the screen would come back on. Today, the screen was flickering and I was going through some driver updates from the Sony support site and the screen went from flickering to very dim. You can barely see anything and can not at all see where the cursor is. The display button no longer does anything. I removed the battery and did the 30-1-2; hold the power for 30 seconds then check screen then 1 minute then 2 minutes if nothing worked. It did not help. I then removed the RAM and tried every combination; swap sticks, one stick lower then the same upper and then tried the same combo with the other stick. Nothing worked. I then tried plugging in a separate monitor and I could not get the monitor to recognize anything, just read no power signal. This laptop has the i7 with the Nvidia GeForce GT 330m GPU full 1080 display. I can just barely see the screen so the computer is working. It appears that I was able to get into the BIOS but the screen is too dim to make anything out. Could this be a back lighting issue? Would anyone have any other ideas?
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