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  1. Hi All, I'm an MSc student at University College London studying psychology and I'm working on a piece of research looking to link music preferences and personality. Thought it might be of interest to everyone here! The existing research finds that there are indeed some links to be found- for example, some music preferences are highly correlated with personality characteristics such as openness. In other words, you really can tell a lot about a person from what they listen to! If you're interested in reading about this, you can find a bit of research here. Or, search for articles by two guys named Rentfrow & Gosling. My coursemates and I would like to confirm and extend this research, so we are running a short questionnaire that asks about music and personality. It should produce interesting results! We are looking for participants so if you have about 10 minutes to spare- check it out, please! (Only if you live in the UK though) The link takes you to my coursemate's psychology blog, which in it of itself is quite a good read, too. If you do take part and are curious about our research, let me know and I can tell you about our findings. Thanks, Erica
  2. erica


    Thanks for the prompt responses! I was starting with a fresh database anyway, but I tried recreating and deleting, etc to no avail. I believe it is the player that is causing the error as I have the incorrect-modification-date problem where several of the files created by the player show as modified in 4/2000. I tried out the solutions that advise deleting those problematic files and letting the player recreate- but still not working- just recreates more old files! I also tried generating a new keys via GYM, but that didn't seem to fix things either. Don't know what the problem is! I'm going to settle for SS afterall. Thanks anyway!
  3. erica


    Hi there, Have spent the good part of the morning reading through this forum trying to catch up, but after 15 or so pages, I've skipped through to here! I apologise if you've covered my questions, but... I have an HD3 and am using the latest full [free] version of winamp 5.33 and the latest version of SS 4.3 and the latest version of GYM. here's what i've done: I followed your directions and was able to successfully upload mp3 files to my HD3 and play them via the winamp player. Winamp is working fine- no crashes and the device shows up perfectly, etc. The files appeared correctly (artist/album/titles) on the HD3, but wouldn't play- I received a track error. I then disconnected and restarted winamp, and received the same error. I also then tested deleting several files from the HD3 from within winamp- now when I disconnect the HD3 and it begins "creating the database" it tells me that there is no database, even though there are still mp3s on the HD3. Any help? Thanks! And to add my thanks to everyone else's- your work is much appreciated! An excellent idea and from what I can tell, it looks great!
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