Hello everyone. I just bought a nw-e002f. it only has 512mb memory so i plan to maximize the space. Unfortunately, I dont have that much CD to grab but have a lot of MP3's stored in my PC. So after buying my player I added my mp3's in the sonic stage library and converted them into atrac. I thought it would compress the mp3's and make it smaller butr as I checked the file size its still the same. So what I did is to grab a song on 1 of my cds and test the file sizes. First, I converted it to mp3 format. then i converted the same song into atrac format. The result of the file size is still the same. Last, I converted the track to atrac with losslessconversion first then converted the atrac with lossless format to atrac3 and the size is still the same. Please help me. I'm really an idiot regarding how to use atrac to my advantage. I've heard that atrac is supposed to be much smaller in file size compared to mp3s. by the way, i converted all the songs in 128kbps.