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Everything posted by cjctan

  1. Understand your advice but getting a LPM is out of my league thats why i have to rely on the ballpark IOP value printed on the pickup. Thanks for your input!
  2. Hi Kevin and NGY, Thanks for the replies and suggestions. So far I have tried to look for other service manuals such as the MD-301 but only can find the MD-CD1 that mentioned about the service mode (shown in Kevin's post) I also tried the "Stop+play+ready" as suggested by NGY but failed. I have been in the mood to replace the faulty optical pickup for both my Sony MDS-JB940 and Tascam MD-350. The Sony is much easier to replace and adjust the laser power value in the service mode. I do not have a laser power meter to make accurate adjustments and hence just relying on the setting inside the service mode
  3. Hi, Does anyone knows how to get into the test or service mode? I can't find it in the service manual. Many Thanks!
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