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  1. It's not that - I have already cleaned the lens and the cd works very well with all music discs. I just doesn't seem to be able to handle audio discs (mp3 files, I guess). But the minidisc will read and play them just fine. It must be a software problem in the decoding.
  2. I'm still quite happy with the Hitachi but I have found 2 problems : 1. The line out is at a rathger high level with no adjustment. I think I will have to get inside it and change some resistors. 2. It won't play audio cds - just says disc faulty. However, if I copy the audio cd on another cd player to a md then that minidisc will play fine on the Hitacht. Weird!
  3. Yes, it looks identical - but not much info on that unit either. It would be useful to find a service manual if anyone has one? I believe there is also a Goodmans model that is basically the same.
  4. I've just recently bough a used Hitachi RMD100 minidisk and cd deck. After a peek inside I can confirm that this unit is very well put together and uses quality components. However, there is no information to be had about this excellent product. It doesn't appear on minidisc.org and I can't find a user or service manual with a Google search. Does anyone have any info? Is the equipmebt database still being updated?
  5. I would keep it as an investment - they aren't going down in price. At least, that's what I tell my wife!
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