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Vincent Sherry

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  • Sony Products I Own
    NW-WM1AM2, NW-WM1ZM2, NW-A306, WH-1000XM5, WH-1000XM4, WF-1000XM5, MZ-NHF800, MZ-RH1, MZ-NH1

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  • Location
    Buffalo, New York

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  1. I already have the player and charger. I just need the USB cable. I currently have three Hi-MD models. This is the only one I can't connect to a computer.
  2. I recently bought the NW-WM1AM2, which I love. The NW-WM1ZM2, which is the flagship, just shipped from Japan. I don't any thread on these products, so I thought I'd start one. I wouldn't mind it being open to all of Sony's high-res portable players if people wanted that.
  3. I fixed it in a different way, but thanks.
  4. The program won't allow me to transfer. It says I'm logged in as the wrong type of user. How do I fix? I just bought a MZ-RH1 to return to Hi-MD.
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