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  1. Was LP3 implemented in MD mode or just HiMD mode? I don't see the option of LP3 on my portable in the MD mode.
  2. Not sure if posted here, but there is an enhanced version of the MD Pro App that has more features and options since Techmoan's last review of the official version, It's called ElectronWMD, It does not need a web browser and it added extra features, Here is all the recording options based on the disc mode the recorder is put in: MiniDisc Recording Modes and Qualities: MD Mode: 1- ATRAC SP (All Versions) 292 Kbps 2- ATRAC Mono SP 146 Kbps 3- ATRAC3 LP2 132 Kbps 4- ATRAC3 LP4 66 Kbps HiMD Mode: 1- PCM 1.4 Mbps (1411 Kbps) 2- ATRAC3+: -> ATRAC3+ 352 Kbps -> ATRAC3+ 256 Kbps -> ATRAC3+ 192 Kbps -> ATRAC3+ 64 Kbps -> ATRAC3+ 48 Kbps 3- ATRAC3: -> ATRAC3 132 Kbps -> ATRAC3 105 Kbps -> ATRAC3 66 Kbps 4- MP3: -> MP3 320 Kbps -> MP3 256 Kbps -> MP3 192 Kbps -> MP3 128 Kbps -> MP3 96 Kbps -> MP3 64 Kbps
  3. I got help from asivery and he managed to get me up and running using the new version of MD Pro app called electronwmd.
  4. I managed to get the drive to install for whatever reason -see attached, Now I'm getting : Failed to execute 'reset' on 'USBDevice': Unable to reset the device.
  5. Not so fast, While I was able to put the player in HiMD mode, I'm not able to get it to connect in HiMD mode to the app, I can access the drive using file explorer. The Zadig app does not give me the option to install a new driver, instead it asks me if I want to re-install the driver, but if I do the MD Pro app cannot detect neither the HiMD nor the regular MD, I take it as a driver issue, so how do I contact the developer of MD Pro app?
  6. I dug deeper and I found the answer, It comes down to putting the device into HiMD mode, Which means I have to disconnect it from the computer, Which means I have to get a gumstick battery, Darn it. Here is the steps in case someone bumps into this thread: To access a HiMD device in unrestricted mode, you need to: Connect the HiMD device to the computer, while it's in MD mode (either with a regular MD inside, which has at least one track, or just set to MD disc mode and without a disc) Connect it to WebMinidisc, as you would do if you wanted to use normal NetMD mode. Open the '3 dots' menu, select settings, then 'enable homebrew mode shortcuts', then close the settings (this step needs to be done only once) Open the '3 dots' menu, select homebrew shortcuts, then 'Switch to HiMD unrestricted mode'* At this point, you'll see Web MiniDisc's loading screen, then a 'Loaded.' dialog will appear. After closing the dialog you'll be put back at the 'connect' screen. --- At this point the exploit is already loaded onto the device and it will stay loaded until the device goes to sleep, unplugging the USB cable will not erase the exploit --- Insert a HiMD disc (either a HiMD formatted MD with at least one track, or a blank one with the device set to HiMD mode) (Windows only) Install Zadig again for this new HiMD device. It should have 0x5341 as the VID. (Linux only) Add a udev rule for the new device: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="5341", ATTR{idProduct}=="5256", MODE:="0666" Click the downwards-pointing arrow next to the connect button, then select HiMD (Unrestricted). A WebUSB dialog will appear. Select your device, then wait. Make sure the device is called "HiMD", and not "NetMD/HiMD". You might need to wait a few seconds for the "HiMD" device to appear. Done. You can now upload ATRAC3/3+/PCM/MP3 audio *If the 'Switch to HiMD unrestricted mode' is greyed out, it means your device isn't supported yet and you'll need to download its firmware and send it to the developer, so that it can be reverse engineered. To download the firmware, click on 'Enter Homebrew Mode' in the same menu, then once the homebrew mode loads, open the menu again and select "Read Firmware". It might take a while.
  7. I have a blank 80 min MD disc and trying to format it in HiMD format, When I select HiMD Full it gives me this error: Failed to execute 'reset' on 'USBDevice': Unable to reset the device. When I try to connect as HiMD restricted it directs me to a folder looking for a file, I read the WiKi but did not quite understand it. I'm using the Sony MZ-NH3D via USB cable. Any help ?
  8. Definitely the paste fix doesn't work, Had to clean it all up and go the solder way, I had a hard time getting the solder to stick to the copper pads, Tried two different flux, still no go, it just creates a giant ball of soldier, Put a piece of de-soldering wire mesh and it held it together, Now I was able to wipe a disc, Still not sure about the HiMD protect switch, but that's not a big concern to me right now.
  9. I applied the conductive paste and it did not do the trick, Still getting write protected message and wipe disc is grayed out. It's either very high resistance or needs to solidify first. Before applying it, I cleaned the copper pads with cotton swabs and alcohol, then scratched them for better adhesion, Filled the switch cavity with the paste using a supplied needle, It's still wet now, hoping that it will work, but I'll give it another shot when it dries up, Not keeping my hopes up.
  10. In an effort to simplify the process of MD tracks transfer to computer using the Web MiniDisc Pro app, I'm using the built-in conversion on the fly to uncompressed WAV feature, Then from WAV to losslessely compressed FLAC using dbpoweramp app. How good this conversion is in terms of audio quality versus transferring the native file format and convert later to uncompressed WAV then lossless compressed FLAC?
  11. I will make the switch work whether the transfer requires it or not, I ordered a conductive paste, I will update the thread when I apply it. I have to admit that I have no clue about the technical stuff you were talking about. But I don't use Sonic Stage so I'm assuming that all netMD HiMD devices work the same way with Web MD Pro and homebrew mode option can remove copy protection.
  12. The third and the easiest solution that just popped in my mind is using an electrically conductive paste, However not sure if it can be removed later on since it's an adhesive.
  13. Hi folks, I recently acquired a Sony MZ-NH3D for transferring files to computer, When the seller said it plays back only it doesn't record I was okay with it because my goal was transferring to computer not recording, When I received it I found out that the reason is because the record/erase protection switch is missing, the switch housing is still there except one out of 4 tabs that hold the spring and contact button is broken which could indicate it had snapped off previously. Now my problem with this is that some people do ask for personal recordings to be erased if they don't want the media back after the transfer, But with the switch non functioning I'm no longer able to erase the mini discs. I can go two ways in repairing it, The hard way or the easy almost impossible way, The hard way is to short out the 3 legs of the switch (one ground, one HiMD protect, one MD protect, this is a dual function single switch). It's hard because of the space around the switch which could mean taking it a part to avoid damaging other components with the soldering iron. The easy way (at least I assume) is find a candidate cheap model or broken with a good switch, Remove the top part of the switch and snap it back on in my player, But I have to find out what models used the exact same switch, I'm assuming all HiMD devices used this dual sensing function switch setup but not sure. So my question is, Do you know any model used this switch? or at least look at your model under the disc lid and tell me if it looks like the picture I posted below. Here is some info about the switch from the MZ-NH1 service manual which I know it's a sister model with some extra features, Switch# on the PCB: S891, Switch model: 1-786-672-21, Switch type: Push (2 KEY) (Protect detect).
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