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Everything posted by xalius

  1. Ok heres the story... I bought a Walkman SONY NW-E003F from my friend a little while ago, because he wanted to get a new one and i dident have an mp3 player yet, but he deleted the songs off of it before i got it, and now whenever i go to "All songs" or "Playlist" It keeps giving me this wierd FORMAT ERROR and it wont let me listen to anything. So i got sonicstudio and i loaded the thing up. and turns out there were a few albums on there so i deleted them. AND IT STILL DOESNT WORK. I dont know what to do. I reformated the thing, and still theres this format error. Could someone please help me. Im lost and want to listen to my music Thanks. P.S. Sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forum, but i dont know where else to put it
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