I love this program! I just got my NW-E003F from Circuit City fpr $40 (is this series discontinued?). If I were forced to use SonicStage, I'd be returning the player in a heartbeat! I got this to replace my first gen, iPod Shuffle. I use it to play podcasts. I download podcasts using iTunes. I found an app that will let me synch iTunea playlists to a folder. This makes downloading to the player easier. I did realize that the folder in Windows becomes a playlist on the player. I hope you impliment playlist editing shortly. I'm also anxious to see the search/browse working correctly. The podcast tab is interesting but I'm not about to search each feed and select files to download myself. I have a long list of podcasts. I hope this player can be supported by a true podcast "catcher" like HappyFish. Version 3 of MediaMonkey will support podcasts (it's only in alpha now). MediaMonkye is the best alternative to iTunes for Windows IMHO. I'm also dissapointed that this player doesn't support as wide a range of bitrates as the Shuffle. I am glad this program has a built in transcoder but I'm hoping you can make it automatic for unsupported bitrates, choosing the next higher supported bitrate. Thanks for your hard work! I'm putting the player through it's paces now so I can decide whether to keep it or return it while I have a chance. For the price, it's almost worth it to keep it for the FM tuner alone. Also, the battery charge time and play time is amazing! Tim EDIT: This player has too many problems (podcast bitrates, etc). The biggest problem for me, that can't be fixed in software, is that the display is almost invisible outdoors. May as well keep using my Shuffle, which plays all podcasts fine. I'm taking it back while I still can and using the money to buy better headphones. I rarely listen to the radio anyway.