If you've got iTunes handy (yes, I know, I know), you can use it to re-encode your MP3's ID3 tags in V2.3, as compared to V2.4. Do this by importing your music, then selecting it all, right-clicking, and hitting 'Convert ID3 Tags...' Having the tags in V2.3 means Sonicstage will see any embedded album art, as compared to V2.4 where it won't! You can also use iTunes to find album art from the iTunes store (for the more common albums, at least), and manually store it in the tags (right click the album art in the mini window (bottom left) and copy, select all relevant tracks, right click, hit Get Info, and paste it into the Artwork window in the tagger). There are, of course, other tools to convert the format of your tags - J. River Media Center being just one (admittedly, it's paid software, but it is worth the money).