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  1. companies nowdays all somewhat make the "Made for iPod" stuff, sony was the number one dude in the game, but the ipod came and took the popularity and the sale just like that. sony spoke too many plans, they should just start to do it
  2. i vote for the NW-S600/700 as well, the Fm and NC functions are very helpful, it is actually made for the human hand
  3. JBdeal

    Sony NWS706F

    it is very strong against drops and knocks, compact and strong at the same time
  4. Obviously sony is not making any cd player or md now, from its production focus of HD1-5, NW-A, S and E they are trying to do something, but it's not really bringing them the number one position or anything, considering people are using ipod as their choice of portable enjoyment, instead of any sony walkman. Sonicstage i have no complain about, but it seems majority of people had complaint about from ss to connect store, even loyal sony users want software part to improve. sony was the number one in the portable audio choice with their walkman, who cares about SQ, plus SQ is so subjective, people just want to have a ipod instead of walkman
  5. Sound quality comes from Sony, huge sale figures come from ipod, a matter of quality or like everyone else. i think that NW-A800 runs longer than nano, it can play video which nano can't, nice stock earphones which nano doesn't have, great design for NW-A800 that nano can't compare to, large screen and better viewing than the nano, even if we forget about that Sony has a good sound quality, the A800 still beats nano inside and out, however it doesn't sell as well as the nano, we can go on and on about how apple does great in the market, but get quality from Sony or popularity for apple
  6. price is just too high in Australia, i can't afford the NW-A808 with 499 AUD, even at 400 AUD it is still too much. Best of luck for everyone at ebay. i have friends who brought it from Japan, great deal in Japan, like just around 100 AUD u can even get the NC22 phone
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