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Everything posted by Quaddy

  1. as title suggests, can be used but needs to be working obviously.
  2. nice detective work, that mk4007 is proving hard to get, even 2nd hand!! - i am keeping my eyes peeled for 009 version, if anyone sees one post the link, so i can get these hd5 boosted up a little!!!
  3. Quaddy

    HDD help

    man that title was vague - i will assume you mean hard disk drive help - what for? - laptop, pc, pvr, dap.... if my assumption is wrong and you mean you are getting a new hd payer, get the sony NW-HD5
  4. going on ebay uk tonight at 9:15pm london gmt time, 7 day auction, EVERYTHING detailed in the listing. item number: 110154127834 (just paste that into the ebay search box) any questions not covered on the listing once live, fire away! p.s. searching for the item number before 9:15pm will return an error as not live yet. cheers quaddy
  5. why thank you kind sir :-) you know the red unit was the latest one i aquired, few weeks ago, and theres something about it thats very appealing, i thought the red would be a bit gawdy, but it has a nice little shimmer going on, coupled with the silver buttons, very nice unit indeed. we are both lucky to own one!
  6. i would get the hd5, classic bits of kit, with great SQ, and ideal for running an amp off. i am selling an nw-hd5H (30GB) if anyone is interested in contacting me with a sensible offer, and finding out more. quaddytweeder@yahoo.co.uk
  7. man i wish i could even source the mk4007gal hard drive to upgrade my hd5s, but they are even rarer than the players themselves!!!
  8. My god, i cant beleieve there are others that are as sick as me!! :-) thats exactly what i did, i collected all the colours, they are IMHO the very best sounding daps that i have heard, i just got a new red one sealed off ebay, they do crop up, but i have 2 x HD5H and one of each of the normals, all in mint condition! but i would say you should get another one, i mean the flash daps i have are so damn light in hand, and cheap feeling, at least the hd players feel as if they are solidly constructed and i love the screen orientation option, very handy for me, and none of my other daps can do that!
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