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Everything posted by 6u0W

  1. Opps, does anyone know what happened to the online signatures??? Last time I checked it was on 178 signatures (or around), now its on 145!! How did this happen?!! About the date of the "update" for the firmware, don't expect it any time before the RELEASE of the NW-A818. After that date, its possible they will be willing to cooperate with their customers (sigh)... If they do it before the release, whats the catch to sell the 818? (anyhow imagine the hype a bunch of "unlocked" 808's would generate in the media) But in the meantime, we could at least get a worthy and clear response.
  2. Although that is true, I sum myself to the petition for a firmware update that unlocks the player for drag and drop. WMP-wma support is ok, but i rather never have to use such formats, if i can use mp3-mp4. Although the hardware may have some differences, including some "hardware" lock, im quite confident they can unblock the nw-a808 line of players, and as they can, they shall if we ask for such. Lets wait and see what happens once they've released the "new" player, and made the firmware update to the "old" one. If drag and drop is not supported, make a petition online, like this one http://www.petitiononline.com/opensony/ but asking for the drag and drop if it is feasible (very likely).
  3. I recall the installer told me the player was not found (of course, its not a nw-e, its a nw-a). So niether could i copy music to it, or retrieve it back. Any NW-A808 owner that uses NW-E00x Mp3 File Manager with it?
  4. Are you sure??? i did some tests and couldnt get it to work. If you can link to someone reporting how its done its appreciated.
  5. I bought a NW-A806 a week ago, and although the unit looks good, and all that, I am a bit disapointed of the bass response too. I dont usually use the equalizer to gain more bass response, but it seems like the way to go with this walkman. I've tested with senheizer hd 202, and although the sound is ok, its lacks a bit of punch with the bass i was used. Using the clear bass setting, is something i would rather avoid. (I think when you turn this on the bass gets distorted some). Maybe doing this to extents the battery life? In that case I rather lower playing times and better sound quality. This is something to add to the cons of this player (read the software, sonicstage stinks), the non standard cable, and the (mentioned in some review) "menu quirks" (... ... the buttons are too close to each other, and sometimes.. when you mistap several buttons you end up somwhere else.. somewhere you shouldnt be able to reach with 2 clicks.. like you were at "now playing" and end up in the pictures... O_O maybe sony included "rocker gestures").... Also would like to recommend a better way to generate playlists.. ENQUEUE FTW!!! (PLEASE), and the bitrate to be displayed in the main view. (oh and where you get better screensavers ??) Lets hope some firmware upgrade fixes this. PD: mine is made in china.
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