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Everything posted by utahman3431

  1. I've tried encoding when everything is closed as well. I'll try a clean reboot "nothing else starting at all", and let y'all know what's going on.
  2. I had the k-lite codec pack installed, but I took that off when I saw that it can conflict with sonicstage. I run my computer as a web/file server as well. I use MS Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, and that is the same version I had on my other computer. I use AVG Antivirus and Antispyware. I use WinFTP for my ftp server, I have apache and MS IIS 5.1 on the www side of serverville. The only other program that is ever running in the background is noIP. I can post a Hijackthis log if that would help anyone.
  3. Nope. They are on one of my internal hard drives. They are all SCSI drives. Would that matter?
  4. I tried "registering" my computer with connect, but I couldn't tell that it really changed anything. I tried encoding 10 mp3's, and it crashed right after I was done registering. Are there any alternatives to sonicstage for converting? I tried sound forge, but couldn't find any type of conversion options.
  5. I want to convert mp3 because my car stereo will play atrac cd's. I want to have a cd that can hold 300 or so songs as opposed to just 100 or so. I'm just a techno-geek that way
  6. Thanks for the welcome! I have a total of 9700 mp3s I need to eventually convert. I tried around 80 at a time, and it choked after about 25 or so. I'm currently doing 20 at a time, and so far its working (fingers crossed!). Hopefully there's something that can be done so I can convert more at a time, but for now I guess I'll just keep at the small numbers. Any ideas from some of the gurus on the board?
  7. I came across this wonderful place yesterday when trying to find answers to my problems. This is a great community! I'm not really new to the ATRAC arena, but my new computer is. I just put Sonicstage 4.3 on my new computer (Windows XP Media Center 2005), and imported my 9700+ mp3's into the program. I was able to convert some of my collection on my old computer with Sonicstage 3.4 without any problems. When I installed Sonicstage on my new computer, I had the OpenMG module can't be found problem, but with the help of this forum I was able to fix that. The main problem I'm having now is when I start to convert a number of MP3's to ATRAC3Plus (any bitrate) it will encode a few songs and then just close. There is no error message. The program just quits. It seems to be randomly converting files from my selection, but gives up part way through. Has this been heard of before? I read about codec packs causing playback problems, so I uninstalled all of my Codec packs. Any other suggestions?? EDIT: After checking out the rules for posting in this forum, I offer the following: My computer has an AMD Athlon 64x2 3800+ CPU, 2 GB of ram, 1 HDD of 320 GB and 2 of 500 GB ea. I didn't have any other software running when I started this, and am fully up to date on all windows updates. I reinstalled all of the MDAC files, and windows had some additional updates for me to install. I have tried going back to Sonicstage 3.4, and then back up to 4.3 with no success. I have a Sony CDX-510 CD player in my car, and already have one ATRAC cd I have used for the last 6 months or so. I hope this new info is helpful
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