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Everything posted by tds101

  1. LOL!!!!! I did a Google for a "boxing smiley", and I got a few different ones. This was kinda' kool, so I put it in the thread, adds a bit of humor.
  2. Got my S639. I really hope Sony decides to release a player, w/tactile controls, in a 32gb capacity. Damn, this is so sweet sounding. It's equal to my Cowon S9, and w/less adjustments in the EQ.
  3. Well, I sometimes rip cd's as a single file, as this gets the gap completely out of the way. The downside is finding a particular song, as well as the added battery drain listening to a long file.
  4. B&H Photo, in the US, ships worldwide (got you on ABI, but so others know): B&H Photo
  5. I just repurchased a used S639 & I'm happy as a pig in poop. I loved it, sold it, missed it, saw a great deal & now am waiting for it all over again. I wish it had the speakers, but I'm still very pleased.
  6. I'm hoping a new player is on the horizon, and that gapless is fully implemented, and not just for .WAV. Really, since Sonic Stage is no longer required, does that mean we should be spanked as a consequence?
  7. Lol, wow!!!! I see even you went w/an iPhone. If it wasn't so expensive I'd have 1 myself. I'll go w/the new Nokia N900 by years end, maybe. My BB Storm really sux!!! Now, sorry for the derailment, so back on topic!!!
  8. Audio Technica ATH-ES7's are also fantastic, and can be had for under $100USD w/a quick Google.
  9. Yup, all the new Walkman players are drag & drop outside of Japan. As stated, it shows up as a removable drive on Macs & a removable drive in Linux environments. I used my old S618 a few times in the past w/UBUNTU on my old laptop. It worked fantastically. Remember, any Sony DAP that doesn't use Sonic Stage works well w/any OS.
  10. I'm actually upset over this release, as I just got a Philips clock radio/iPod dock for my 5.5G. This is 1 of, if not THE hottest iPod dock/alarm clocks I've ever seen - and I've seen & owned a few.
  11. I'm just mad that you cant customize the home screen w/your own wallpaper any longer. I liked that, and the different color themes. SenseMe, while a novelty, did leave a bit to be desired.
  12. CNET review of the new Sony S series Walkman (Secong Generation): Sony S-Series Walkman (second generation, 8GB, violet)
  13. Darn, I can't vote in this. I have no experience in this area, & I wish I knew someone who does. Great poll nonetheless.
  14. 1 year older than me, and bringing back the nostalgia!!!! Thanks for the glimpse of history, lovin' it!!!! Also, I bet those components sound fantastic even today. Sony was known for great SQ even back then.
  15. Yup, seems that DaHarder has the new S Series player in his picture. Sweet:
  16. Saw District 9 in the theater, it was excellent!!! 8/10
  17. Bang and Olufsen translated equals overpriced hype. The same for Bose, costs too much for crap SQ.
  18. The HD 212's actually are more bass heavy than he XB700's, and tend to give me a noggin' ache. They sound good, but TOO bassy!!!! I also have a FiiO E3 and a PA2V2 amp, and I refuse to use either. A portable player should be able to drive your phones (IMO) without any extra accessories. The exception is w/a set of high resistance, high ohm cans, or the opposite end of the spectrum. The highest I go is 60ohm, lowest is 24ohm. I'm not too much a tech head, but I now enough to understand the basics of it. For me, 300ohm cans are a no-no.
  19. The PSP 4000 is now rumored to be coming soon as well. It's an updated psp3000, and not a big deal at that. I saw something on engadget about it, sorry I don't have a link for you ATM.
  20. Hey, how about some votes people!!!!
  21. Now these are what I need for portable use, sweet!!!
  22. I currently use Sony MDR-V6 & XB700 headphones. The XB700's stay at home of course. MDR-V6, a classic. MDR-XB700 - a new classic - not as bassy as claimed.
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