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  1. Play mode: Normal Playback Range : all range I can't see any other setting that might affect it.
  2. thanks for the tip, but the +/ - buttons in the black bit do nothing for me...I wonder if there is another setting on the player that you have changed (although I can't seem to find one) Why is nothing simple with Sony kit?????
  3. I have picked up on of the CPF-IX001 wirelss docks to use with my A808, but the remote only seems to be able to control the volume and change to next / previous track. Is that all it does? I was hoping to use it to change albums...
  4. The files just seem to be the source of the linux includes and tools they use to build the firmware rather than the source of the firmware itself, which is a shame, as the source of the firmware would be really interesting
  5. this is what happened with the Vaio pocket, a fantastic player that didn't play MP3s originally, but after a firmware upgrade it could. Didn't make any difference, it was still known as the player that didn't play MP3s and therefore nobody bought it
  6. We might find that the 810 series is identical to the 800 series save for the firmware on it which could lead to 2 possibilities: 1) Sony do the right thing and release a 1.3 / 2.0 firmware that gives the 800 the same functionality as the 810 2) Some hacker in Internet land modifies the 810 firmware to allow it to load on to an 800 The case and screen look the same and as the player is basically storage, a CPU and an OS I can't think that there would be a technical reason to redesign the player to make it do what it needs to do, or maybe I'm just an optomist
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