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  1. Ure probably kidding :-) The new ones are worth your 300 :-)
  2. And dont forget the music selling makes them money. This is for me the MAIN reason that they will suit the A series..
  3. Look at this as written on our local page www.sony.sk Softvér SonicStage® budeme naďalej aktualizovať, a tak môžete s vašim prehrávačom WALKMAN® stále držať krok. A nakupovanie hudby z hudobnej on-line predajne Connect bude naďalej možné najmenej do marca 2008 Which means.. Software SonicStage® will further be updated so you can hold your step with your WALKMAN®. Music buying from line store Connect will still be available at least untill march 2008. Guys, for me, this means that the old fashion thing Connect will be still online some time. If they quit updating, they will have to switch to the new one that suits the S series or do something. They cant just stop selling music for the old A series customers. As they know that Windows media is probably better, I strongly think they will come out with some firmware next year that will fix this issue.. For me, the A series is still better as it looks better and has bigger screen. So long :-)
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