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Everything posted by Darth_fool
no idea but i'm getting scared - the first Now! album i had was a casette copy of now thats what i call music 5 i pinched of my sister
for £1.15 its hardly the end of the world if it dosent
if by AUX connection you mean a standard phono connection then you just need a headphone jack to phono cable which you should be able to pick up for about a fiver from any currys / dixons type place
NW-Exxx/Axxx Default Volume Level Out of The Box
Darth_fool replied to finalcoolman's question in Audio
the axxx series has a lineout setting which sets the volume at a suitable level anyway so i'd just use that -
if you dont have anything in your library yet or don't mind reimporting everything then the best bet is probably to delete out the old library before you reinstall connect. Just delete everything (or make a backup copy if you want ) of everything under C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\sony corporation ( i think thats the path but i'm not on a pc with connect installed - its elsewhere on these forums anyway ) That way it will build a brand new empty library rather than trying to update the one thats already there
my honest answer would be get a bit of patience and wait. I've got an A-3000 for the wife for christmas and was considering buying one myself but i've been put off by connect player. While it is useable i'm going to give them a bit more time and see if they keep improving it if they do i'll get an a3000 if not i'll just have to look around for something else
Not sure if this is common knowledge or not but i havn't seen it mentioned in any posts or in the manual but you can drag and drop from windows explorer into connect player. I noticed it when i was reorganizing some files on my hard drive and happened to drag them over a connect player window. If you have the main library window open you can select a bunch of files in explorer and then drag them onto connect player and it will import the files into the library. Made me wonder wether the same thing would work dumping onto the a-3000 and it does sort off. Open connect player - open the device in the top left box and then you can just drop files out of explorer into connect and it will put them in the library and onto the device. I've only tried this with atracs as thats all i have on my pc. I did notice that it went a bit pear shaped if there was nothing in connect players library but that might just have been that i disconnected the player to quick in my shock that it seemed to work
If you get a reply let us know as i'm stuck with the same situation myself
At the moment i'd have to say sonicstage - connect player is still too slow to be really usable for anything other than actually shuffling files of the computer and onto the player. That aside i prefer the look and layout of connect player. One thing both are missing is a quick way to update the tags on multiple files in one go.
Windows media player will play atrac files as long as you have the codec available. To be honest i have no idea exactly what you need to get this to work as i now have sonic stage 3.3 the latest conect player and the only atrac down-loadable codec i could find installed in my attempts to get Connect player working.
quick update on remembered seeing this one and i think i've spotted when it happens if you try and expand any of the views i.e. expand the album info to display the tracks by clicking the + it jumps back to the last highlighted item. You can stop it happening by highlighting the album / artist etc BEFORE you click the +
hardware great - software shite is all i can say. ok so far i can work around "most" of the limitations of the software mainly the fact that its so damn slow. Connect Players fine as long as theres only 500 max songs in the library after that it just grinds to a near halt. The only way i can get round it is to import 500 odd files and then rename the library direcory and start from scratch. It works but its a pain. I really don't understand why its so slow a slimmed down install of mysql or somthing similair could handle the same amount of data using less cpu and memory than connect player and would still be quicker!! Is there anything out there that can modify atrac tags?? the only problem i really can't get round is that all my compilation albums seem to have put the song artist into the album artist so instead of 1 album with 15 songs / artists i have the same album in the library 15 times and editing the track info through connect player is painfull ( 2 secs to make the change and 30 secs while the library works out what you've just done !! )
Unfortunatly you are going to have to convert the files to atrac before you can put them on the player. I'd definetly recomend using sonic stage to do the conversion as you can convert all your files in one go ( ok it takes a while but at least you can just leave it running without worrying about connect player going tits up and corrupting the library ) also if you do it through connect player you tend to end up with 2 copies of everything in the library 1 .oma and 1 .wma
now that i have finally managed to actaually get some music onto an a-3000 i'll try and test out the battery before i wrap the damn thing up ( only bloody christmas present i've ever bought that i've spent more time trying to get working than deciding what to buy )
Apologies if this has already been answered but i couldn't find it anywhere else. I've got one of the new A-3000's and have been having a nightmare with connect player its now working in a "functional" way but i'm still having problems i've got 4500 tracks ripped as .wma files. At the moment the only way i can get them onto the a-3000 is using connect player BUT it recodes the files to atrac3 or atrac3+ and then dumps them onto the player 1 at a time. a: this is slow as a snail on morphene b: there isn't enough room on the a-3000 to sync the entire lot at 192k and i dread to think what will happen if i try given the instabilty of connect player at the moment. I know from other posts that sonic stage will work with the a-3000 ( minus a couple of features ) what i want to know before i try this is does sonic stage allow you to mass convert files without actually copying them onto a device/player?. Also as far as i can tell atrac files don't hold the tags in the file but in a "database". Does that mean if i use sonic stage i'll lose all the tag info when i do copy them onto the A-3000?. Thanks in advance for any info /edit - i know i could just try this but i've already wasted about 8 hours of my life trying to get connect player working properly :-)
Finally just managed to get this update running and first impressions are they've done some major work on the speed of it. Just imported 25 gig ( 4500 files ) into the library and it took about 10 minutes - a vast improvement on the 2 hours then system crash of the previous version The only way i could get it to install the updates was to unistall the previous version , clear out all the stuff in documents and settings and delete out the bunch of registry keys that were left behind before reinstalling the original version from the cd