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Everything posted by chriswyatt

  1. I think I got that wrong, the MP3 was 192 Kbps, and it got converted to 256 Kbps. I've transferred other MP3s without any problems. I'll try again tonight and check those settings you mentioned (I think I already looked at them before).
  2. Whilst transferring an MP3 encoded at 256 Kbps, Connect decided to transcode it to ATRAC 192 Kbps, not sure why? Any suggestions? Here's the MP3 in question by the way: http://music.iamapirate.com/music/mashups/...huckleClart.mp3
  3. Pong would be nice. What could be better than playing pong whilst listening to your favourite music?
  4. A couple of my friends have Creative Zens and I've noticed they're pretty slow, and they crash a lot.
  5. That reminds me of a radio I once bought. The LCD screen developed a darker colour in the corner, like something had peeled off at the back so I bought it back to Comet but the guy couldn't see it. It was obvious (to me) with the lighting in my bedroom but quite embarrasing in the store. The guy tried looking at it outside in the car park to no avail. Although the main reason I bought it back was because I accidentally scratched the screen whilst I was cleaning it (soft damp cloth), it was just annoying me so much I had to take it back to the store. I get quite obsessive about these things . Yeah, my A3000's a bit creaky too. Thanks-a-lot for bringing it to my attention,
  6. You could also try initialising (formatting the hard drive) through the Connect player, that's if you can of course. Something could have corrupted on there, possibly during transport. You could also try using Sonicstage 3.3, I have doubts that it would work but it's probably worth a try. You could also try updating the firmware on the unit, just in case that's corrupt.
  7. I had problems importing from Sonicstage, but I've just given up with that and I'm just re-ripping my CDs and I've had no problems as of yet. Still confused about how I'd get my Connect purchased items from Sonicstage to Connect?
  8. I have the same problem also. I've tried lots of different codes and cannot get it to work, it just returns me to the previous screen. I've tried it in both IE and Firefox and still have the same problem. I've looked all over the place and can't find any 16-digit codes. Closest I got was a 13-digit code which said it was for customer use.
  9. I am also having this same problem. It happened when I tried to import some lossless WMAs, TinyHTTP.exe (The hideously-large, memory-resident, ironically-named piece of shit) performed an illegal operation or something like that and from then on, Connect would not load. I'm not too impressed with Sony releasing such unstable software, it isn't even labelled as Beta but I know far more stable programs which are labelled as Beta.
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