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  1. Windows Home Premium OS Sony NW HD5 Sonic Stage 4.3 I've also tried SS 3.1 from disk, neither will load. What I said was 'Sonic Stage does not work with my Windows 7. This is factually correct and not 'absolutely untrue'. Thanks for any help you can provide.
  2. The latest version of Sonic Stage will not work under Win 7, as many users will verify. When I try to run it box pops up something to do with checking restore. But when I lick OK the box goes blank and then nothing. Is there a solution for this?
  3. Does anyone know where I can find this as the above links are all broken. Like the previous poster I'll never buy Sony again. Sonic Stage was a disgrace and because of it, I'm now stuck with s player of which I cannot access my music. Sony doesn't give a toss about customer support.
  4. I'm having the same problem using Windows 7 with SS 4.3 and a NW-HD5. I'm getting 'system restore' errors. When I try to fix this using Sonic Stage prompts this doesn't work either (no surprise there). Googling showed that many users are having the same problem. The alternative MP3 File Manager does not work, either. I get 'device' not recognised errors. Again, this appears to be a common problem. It seems like NW HD5/Win 7 users are being left up the creek without a paddle. So, can anyone tell me how I can manage my files within the player?
  5. I'd also like the recompiled version of GYM, please: Bribaba@Gmail.com Thanks
  6. Given that there has been no reply to the various posters experiencing the folder bug in GYM, and that the link to version 1.3 points to nothing, does that mean that all support for this program is dead? I appreciate that this is a voluntary site and the program is free, but if it's not going to get further support, then please advise so we won't waste further time by asking. Thanks.
  7. I'm having the same folder problem. Is there a fix, other than recompiling the source code? Brian
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