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  1. Ktalan

    European volume limit

    Yes, it's true, but we can conclude there is a volume cap on Europeans models, no? Can we re-flash the nand like the PSP then? Or can we, install a A81x firmware on a A8x...? Thanks
  2. Ktalan

    European volume limit

    Markey please can you tell then why it's written in the test mode "SPSet On" and it can't be turn off
  3. Ktalan

    European volume limit

    Sorry for my bad English, I'm french. I think there is a volume limit on these models because I entered in the "test mode" and, I can see on "Other"->"DEST" -> FR [sPS : ON] (here we can change by US,E,CN,KR,EU but the option doesn't apply) and->"SPSET" -> FR [sPS : ON] (here we can change by OFF or ON but it's the same problem....) So what can we do? Thanks a lot
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