Haha dont worry. I lived in Tokyo for a year so I have good friends over there. I've ordered so many psp's, digital cameras, and what not that it's absurd! I usually sell stuff on Ebay, and i've imported stuff over 50 times now, and only once been stung by customs. They still charged me according to the "value" on the package which was bullshit of course so it wasn't too bad. The A3000 can be bought in Tokyo for about 26,0000 yen brand new if you look around, but i can get it for under 20,000 yen. I can read kana and a little kanji so even if it wasn't in English I wouldn't mind, but it's my brother who wants it yet he has no proficiency in Japanese...that's why I decided to do a little research on this product. I'll hopefully buy one this week so I guess i'll find out about the software included and whether it works on an English OS or not.