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  1. Archy

    Is my NWZ-a818 faulty ?

    Thanks A0B9 for your clarifications. I'm surprised & disappointed that you cannot play tracks directly from the Walkman. I often plug my 3G ipod into the media PC & play tracks directly off it. I took it for granted that all of todays MP3 players could do this . Anyone else using A818 with XP service pack 2 (hotfixed to date in my case) & experiencing problems or am i unique ? Strange thing is I'm same having problems when connected to my PC or laptop. Im guessing its a problem with MTP drivers. Another question - Does wmp11/MM resize the artwork so that it is a more efficient size as some of the downloaded artwork is sometimes quite large. I'm guessing all that is required is 320x200 in 16bit to do the job. Thanks
  2. Hello, I just purchased the NWZ-A818 & I'm having some problems. I'm not sure if the Walkman is faulty/buggy or my expectations are incorrect. Can someone please help to answer following: 1. When i connect the walkman to my pc (xp sp2) - should the message 'connecting USB (MTP)' remain on the walkman whilst its connected ? Not change to 'connected' or something eventually ? 2. Whilst its connected to the PC, i can view & administer the songs already on the walkman with WMP11 or Monkeymedia but i cannot actually play them - I would have thought this is possible. Also i cannot see the associated album art that is already on the walkman. Is this normal ? 3. I am experiencing strange strange behaviour when the Walkman is connected to the PC. I am unable tolaunch applications - they are visbile in task manager as running processes but dont actually run. E.g IE, Winamp, Firefox.. i thik pretty much everything. Lukily i can get monkeymedia to still work. 4. I already have WMP11 installed. Does the supplied version on CD have extra installation features so i should install that one ? Do i need any other pre-requisite software/drivers to get PC connectivity working smoothly ? BTW Walkman shows as being FW ver. 1.0 Thanks
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