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  1. cyano

    MP3FM problems

    any other help? thanks
  2. cyano

    MP3FM problems

    the mp3s are 44.1khz... i dont understand: a lot of mp3s is ok but some of them can't be transfer with mp3fm... nevertheless, every mp3 can be transfered with SScp... strange isn't it?
  3. cyano

    MP3FM problems

    Hi all! I have some problems to use MP3fm: it work correctly before but now, when i want to send some mp3 to my NWHD5, i've got an error message: "no valid mp3 fond in this location" or something like that... nevertheless, it's a mp3! in my opinion, i think it's tags which are the reason of this message but i don't know what to do... can you help me? thanks!
  4. as far as i'm concerned, I want to keep my covers in my mp3 tag on my computer but i don't want to send covers on my NWHD5 to keep running GYM... I'm just finding how to do: I'm using MP3FM to do the transfert and covers are not on my NWHD5! I think that winamp plugin must do the same thing... thanks for help vovo! (and sorry for english ^^)
  5. I haven't recieved the .exe on your MP... aout mp3's tag problems, I have think at two solutions: - can you tell to GYM to don't take care about covers? if you can, can you send me the .exe which don't take care about covers? - do you know how can i do to send to my NWHD5 my songs with SScp but without covers? thanks a lot!
  6. I need only the last .exe... in my opinion, the probleme is caused by album covers which are too big: GYM work correctly before i add covers on mp3 tags... do you know if i can upload my mp3s without covers who are in mp3's tags: i want to have mp3 with covers on my computer and mp3 without covers on my NW-HD5... do you know a solution?
  7. i've do it but nothing... anything else? thanks
  8. @ VOVO: can you repost the lastest version of GYM: 1.21 EN (for beta testers) because the link is dead in addition, i've some problems when i want to play or save some tracks: when i want play those tracks, GYM crash and when i want save it, GYM create a floder but it's empty... nevertheless, GYM runs good for others tracks... do you know a solution? thanks a lot!
  9. Hi all I've got some problems with SScp and some tracks: when I try to play those tracks with SScp, i've got this: http://download.yousendit.com/39A06FF662C0A3DE.. nevertheless, this track is correctly played with my NW-HD5 and with other players like media player... do you know a solution? (i've always tryed to reinstall SScp but nothing) thanks a lot and sorry for the english (if you want, you can correct mistakes and show them to help me)
  10. cyano


    I have always try many times but every times, i've got the same probleme: when i'm using ml_sony, i can't use GYM to play songs... Now, I'm using GYM and MP3FM... in addition, GYM can edit bookmarks!
  11. little update for a pretty project and why you don't try to do a software who mix Gym and MP3FM? If winamp can upload and donload files with only a plug-in, why not gym?
  12. Hello ! I'd like to know if there's a software that allow Mac to access to the Atrac devices, as GYM and MP3FM does ? Could you make GYM and MP3FM for Mac ? Thank you ?
  13. cyano


    Hi everybody! (I'm french so please don't take care about my english... ) I've got an HD5 and y try to use ml_sony to send traks from my hd5 or my pc. This is ok but i can't play traks with winamp (device protected ) so I try to use GYM but I can't play traks: the trak name is blue and I can only send it to my pc... nonetheless, before to use ml_sony, play was ok on GYM! do you know a solution? thanks! si c'est incompréhensible, je met la version française au cas ou: j'ai un hd5 et j'utilise ml_sony pour transferer vers mon pc ou vers le lecteur... tout ça marche trés bien mais comme le lecteur est protégé, je ne peut pas lire les pistes sous winamp... j'essaye donc d'utiliser GYM mais depuis que j'utilise ml_sony, je ne peut plus lire les pistes via GYM: le nom des pistes est bleu et je ne peut que les envoyer sur le pc... cependant, avant d'utiliser ml_sony, la lecture sous GYM marchait trés bien! d'ou peu venir le problème? merci!
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