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  1. thx man, i did it to but seems like my service manual is way different than yours :confused:
  2. that's the only thing i can find in the service manual about taking your nwa3000 apart, and it only tells you how to take the back of and how to replace the battery, maybe i'm wrong, can you give me a screenshot of the manual where it says how to take the front of? i did it with a knife can you post how to get the front of as soon as you found out how?
  3. i want to get the dust out of my player, and i know how to get the back off.... but when i got it open, how can i get the front off to clean it? maybe you can post some pictures?
  4. LMAO maybe but damn, i'd hate to lose the artist link function cus that's basicly why i bought the unit
  5. i want to clear the dust in my player to and i've managed to get the back of, bot how can i can i get the plastic front of now? edit maybe someone can post some pics of how to do it?
  6. connect player doesn't look up artist links nymore since i updated when i go to preferences it's enabled, but when i import new songs to my library it doesn't start looking them up when i go to the song properties it says "artist link not found" nybody who got the same problems? or ny idea how i can fix this?
  7. in holland i bought an nwa3000 for 250 €, while it is 300 normally
  8. here's a screenshot, but how can i get the full system specs? and yes i've already readed the faq
  9. i got a new nwa3000 for a week now, and i love it, i got like 500 songs on it, but right now, connect don't work nymore, it does start up, I can't click ny buttons in the program or sumthing, and i can't do nything else cuz of the high CPU usuage, i'd love you for finding a solution for this problem cuz damn, i don't wanna sell my nwa3000 cuz of this :? cuz of this problem i tried installing sonicstage, but halftrough the installation i get this message i thought maybe a full installer instead of the internet one would work out well, but i can't find one :? maybe there is another solution to this? damn, this shit is driving me nuts
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