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  1. Follow up on my initial post: I can confirm that my USB card reader does the same thing with directory name, and also the photo folder that was visible under the Japanese firmware, is no longer visible in the English firmware. I also checked for contents inside the folder to see if there were any hidden ini files of that sorts, but no luck. It seems like, as sdsviet pointed out, that the English firmware only can detect a certain group of folder names such as USER_xxx or YYYYMMDD_xxx.
  2. As far as I know, the demo mode does a slide show of jpg files stored under VAIO_demo folder after the player has been idling for a while. I haven't gotten the lyrics to actually work to begin with, so I can't really help you with that. PS: So nobody knows anything about ratings of each song?
  3. Does anyone know how to use "Ratings" on VP? VP itself has a sort mode that has Stars (ratings), and also under "Initialize" menu, there's the Initialize Ratings menu. I have no clue how to set ratings on songs though. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! PS: I tried creating a folder in Japanese Firmware then convert it back to English one, and it did not recognize the folder anymore. However, in English firmware, if you transfer a media using "Photo storage" menu, the folder from the media is transfered over to VP separate from the USER_001 directory. That folder is also accessible through the VP's photo viewer. So I'm thinking there must be some sort of hidden flag somewhere. I'll investigate some more and get back to you guys.
  4. That I understand. What I was saying was that regardless of grouping, once you transfer songs to the Pocket, it will resort it depending on which sort mode you are in. When I sort my song list using "Artists" or "Albums", any songs that has no album name gets grouped together (regardless of which group/folder it was originally put in). Let me see if I can draw this out since I'm not doing very good job explaining this... This is what I see on SS3.1 in the Transfer tab: (folder) Untitled Album A(I could rename this later on to whatever, but below songs do not have album names) - Song 1 by Artist A - Song 2 by Artist A ... (folder) Untitlted Album B - Song 1 by Artist B - Song 2 by Artist B When I turn on the player, and browse the list using "Artists" list, I would see these 2 entries: Artist A (2 songs) Artist B (2 songs) When I select Artist A, I would see the following: (Blank Album name) 4 songs (It now says 4 songs even though one layer up it said 2) - Song 1 by Artist A - Song 2 by Artist A - Song 1 by Artist B - Song 2 by Artist B The exact same list would show up when I pick Artist B as well. Funny thing is, when I use the "Groups" listing, they show up individually meaning that they were grouped correctly. This only happens when you use any other listing mode that uses album name. I hope this makes sense. Thanks again for the help.
  5. hmm... I'm a bit confused. Cuz right now with 3.1, it will import and create separate group for each album even if it has no name (it will just name it untitled), but when I browse by Artist or Album directly from the player, it will combine all the untitled albums together. This tells me that even if I create a special group, the player will resort it back by the ID3.
  6. Hey all, I just got my Vaio Pcket and loving it so far. I have a question regarding the song list. I have a bunch of songs without Album name under many Artists. When I try to browse through the list on my VAIO Pocket, it somehow combines all the untitled albums into the same list. For example, if I have untitled album under Artist A and B, both untitled album would list all the songs from both artists. I tried renaming the group from SS3.1, but it didn't help. Does anyone know how to get around this other than to name each songs with Album info? Also, how do you rate each song in SS3.1? I know that there's a listing order by number of stars, but I don't know how to set them. Thanks in advance! PS: I just want to add that the latest English firmware supports Japanese Unicode (with simple chinese) for ID3 tag. I tried both Japanese firmware and English firmware, but decided that English one was easier to read for me (My hirakana skill is pretty bad).
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