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Everything posted by qwerty32

  1. qwerty32

    HD3 help

    cheers mate, i tried it but didnt work :-D Doesnt matter though as i popped into argos and told them and they exchanged it for me :-D Thanks for the help though.
  2. qwerty32

    HD3 help

    HEY guys, im new here and i really need your help. Heres my problem: I was goin into the test menu thing to do the volume hack thing. I did that then i went into the menu again. I went into the other section then clock then the screen said start. Now when i try to play a track all i hear is really loud static!! I've totaly screwed my mp3 player up i think and i really need your help so please help me guys. I've only had it a few days and i've brock it already, i should never have messed around with it! EDIT: I have a sony nw-hd3 Thanks in advance Dean
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