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  1. Love the new version of the firmware on the A3000, theres only 1 part that I would love to see improved now and thats the display. I would prefer the option on having the display on all the time as the clock for a screensaver is no good if the display keeps turning off while the music is playing. 10 - 60 secs is no good for me lol I would like to see: Disabled or ON
  2. These are the ones I got and sent back lol: http://www.djstore.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.pl?item=senhd25
  3. Already tried the de-limit and I cant hear any difference, its just the same as turning the AVLS (Vol. Limit) off. I found teh HD-25's to be the same sort of construction as a pair of Alba headphones - very easy to break lol, plus the cable was breaking the sound up when it was moved around. I was told by the company I bought them from to take the 5.3 plug out and wipe it with a cloth then place it back in, but I'd already tried that lol, the problem was int eh actual cable not the plug . I have redone the mp3's today and then increased the volume on the mp3's which when played through the pc - stereo connection theres a big difference in the volume, but when I transfer the mp3's to the NWA3000 but its the same volume as before lol.
  4. I did have a pair of MDR-EX71SL but I had to send them back after some months of using them as they'd stopped working in one ear. I did find out they had been the best ones I had ever had, but the cable is very thin. I had spent around £100 on some headphones - Sennheiser HD25 Headphones but had to send those back as they werent working properly, plus they were very small and very tight on my head. I will be trying to alter the music that I have on my NWA3000 to see if that makes any difference, as last night I did increase the volume on some mp3's, so just got to transfer the music over and see if its any louder What ear buds ?? All I found were some headphones lol. Cheers for ya help guys.
  5. Hey guys, As ya can see I'm new here lol, but glad I found this board. When I bought the NWA3000 I was well chuffed, but got a slight issue. The headphones that came with it I'm not that impressed with as they keep rubbing in my ears which makes them sore. I have got another pair that I bought for £19.99 that hook over the ears but go into the ear. I do like this pair but one side keeps coming out. So I decided to get someheadphones that would cover the whole of my ears instead. I do have a pair but the sound isnt that loud compaired to the in-ear ones. If I turn the volume on to 10 - 12 the sounds loud, but if I plug the headphones that cover the ears I have to turn it up to around 25 - 26 before it sounds the same level. I have tried this on headphones costing from £9.99 - £29.99 and they are all the same, but the in-ear ones are louder. I have heard of noise reduction, but not sure if this is the case. I have tried the hack that unlocks the volume, but theres no difference. I have done a test with the headphones connected to the stereo and cd's do play louder than MP3's playing through my pc (which is connected to my stereo. Anyone with any suggestions would be welcomed.
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