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    Aviation--hold ATP & CFI for airplanes & helicopters

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  1. Hey Tleilax, There are some others in Phoenix that are into MD. Other than me, I know of three other users. How can Phoenix be the armpit of the southwest if there are at least five MDers? However, you'd think that I'd see a few in a university environment (ASU)--alas, I know of none there. Postpositivist
  2. Please take Leland's caution seriously. My first career was in aviation. I've logged about 3,000 hours in airplanes and helicopters. In airplanes I religiously wore foam earplugs (29 dB attenuation) while in helicopters I usually wore both foam ear plugs and a David Clark headset (23 dB attenuation). Even so, now, what sounds like a moderate level on the TV or radio to me sounds a bit loud to others. I have the Sony active noise cancellation earbuds (10 dB attenuation) and like them--the noise cancellation effect is noticeable (even to my ears). Postpositivist
  3. Three users here. I'm 45, my wife's 42, and my son is 13. My wife is Japanese but never used MD till I turned her on to it.
  4. Hi Ku, The reason why one might want a player rather than a recorder/player is that, according to some, a player tends to be more sturdy and robust than a recorder/player. Here's a quote from famed MD Repairman, David Popovits taken from http://www.minidisc.org/repair_info.html "Buy the right MD. If possible, buy a portable player. Those tend to have less problems than recorders. Do your recordings on a MD deck, It's easier. If you cannot have 2 MD's as stated above buy a recorder that is known to be strong as possible. Try those having hard metal covers (MZ-R90/50) and those that are not known to have recording problems. You may refer to opinions brought by members of the MD Community Page." I, myself, have two MD units. I keep my MD recorder at home and take my more compact player with me when going out. Best regards, Postpositivist
  5. Hi JoeBob, It's postpositivist again. Failed to log in properly on my earlier comments to your draft. I think you're off to a great start. Also, want to say that I thought the other posters' comments were quite insightful. Best of luck, Postpositivist
  6. Hi BP, If you can't find a MZ-R37 anywhere, I do have a brand new, never used, never opened R37 in the box that I'd be willing to part with. Literally the same time I bought a R37 for myself I received one as a gift. I put this one in the closet and used the one I received as a gift (which still works). I would echo what others have said about the quality of the R37--it is a tough, reliable unit. Best, Postpositivist
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