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Everything posted by zeromd

  1. i hope for mac support, it would be a dream come true.
  2. i woud buy a removable hdd drive, if thats not an option well dvdr
  3. i imported some mp3s to SS2 and this has never happened.
  4. he could zip it and copy it to the device in drive mode, maybe?
  5. im hoping to see Hi-MD media in walmart soon.
  6. high end units always get the better packaging
  7. i think its only not gapless when played thru the usb port via sonicstage. but its gapless on portable use. :rasp:
  8. ^ well this unit is usb only, so you wont need the record button, there is no mic inputs etc to record from
  9. u can only record to PCM to Hi-MD from the unit. (i think)
  10. its on their site, just not avaible, it says something to the remark of arriving soon, here the link: http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/ref=b...asin=B0001M3MVG
  11. can you post pics, otter? i would love to see it
  12. i take it, u can only use a disc for 1 thing at a time, if its formatted for audio, or its formatted for data.
  13. welcome if you the n10 then you need to get sonicstage 2.0 at www.connect.com as soon as posible :smile: no limit on checkouts :smile: edit : by the way the one i pointed out, its the official sonicstage2.0/connect
  14. ok before i had sonicstage 1.5, and i could use the play, next, previous and stop buttons on my microsoft keyboard to control it. i find on sonicstage 2, that this keyboard buttons dont work at all, it works with almost all the players i have drown at it, except the new version of sonicstage its not a big deal but im used to changing tracks like this.
  15. please let us know if it gets shipped.
  16. hmm must try with another batch of mp3s i have my guess id3 tags done with itunes dont carry.
  17. is it just me, but i dont like the fact, that if i import mp3s, the id3 tag info is not carried into sonicstage, this bugs me a lot, maybe im not doing it right?
  18. nevermind and thanks anyways, i fixed it, by updating flash player, i already had it updated with firefox, but it apparently needed to be update for internet explorer., after i did that, it works perfectly.
  19. if someone can help me, i keep getting a runtime error, only when i preview a track from connect, it doesnt play at all, then when i close sonicstage it gives me a c++ runtime error, but it only does this when i try to preview a track, when i close it without doing this, it closes fine.
  20. i think you can record in Linear (PCM) for live recordings, and then upload to the pc as PCM, which i think its lossless huh.
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