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Everything posted by Be_True

  1. Here is a download page for the software and patches for the Sony N707. http://www.musiclub.sonystyle.com/supportj...21&deviceId=105 Does that help? Chris
  2. Be_True

    Win NT Problem

    If it was me, I would install USB ports on your home computer. You just plug in a PCI card, window installs the drivers, and there ya go -- now ya have 2 USB ports. You can find the cards at Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Radio Shack, etc. Also, some employers have been known to fire people for installing software that is not 'company approved' -- I've seen it done. If ya want, you can still download at work, then take the MP3's home on disk/memory stick/portable USB memory device/etc. Chris
  3. I'm 30. I was going to wait for a new Palm organizer before I got into portable MP3 playback. After that I had planned to get a digital MP3 player (memory stick or something like that.) I remember seeing MD's marketed as 'replacements for CD's' years ago -- but fell just short of buying them them. After seeing a NetMD unit a month ago, I compared it to the average specs of digital MP3 players. I went back the next day and bought the MD recorder. I've been happy (exstatic, overjoyed, thrilled, etc.) ever since with my MD unit. My unit: Sony MZ-N505 Chris
  4. Is it just not updating the TOC file on the MD? With my sony MZ-N505, every time I want to eject a MD after a change, I always press stop twice -- even if it is already stopped -- many times it will flash EDIT - this is when it updates the TOC on the MD. Your player may be different, but it's worth a try. ;-) Chris
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