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Christopher last won the day on January 19 2011

Christopher had the most liked content!

About Christopher

  • Birthday 04/20/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Angeles


  • Minidisc units
    Sony MZ-NH900 [Japan Edition], Sharp MD-DS8, Sharp SD-NX10, Sony MZ-E7W

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Christopher's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Brilliant post, Richard! Thank you so much for sharing. ☺️
  2. Thank you very much you save my minidisk!!!!!

  3. Give me time guys, I'll get the storage issue fixed. By this week
  4. I've actually unpinned this as I am no longer sure if the original advice is safe anymore at this time and I don't want to cause any problems.
  5. Added Turkish as well. With correct right to left formatting. If you're wondering why this random assortment of languages, well, they were free and they're some of the only few compatible with this latest release we are on.
  6. Hi everyone! Here's a couple of playlists I've put together in the last year or two. Enjoy! Electronic/Trading/Work Mix (work in progress): 80s Power Mix: The Real 60s: 90's Ultra Mix: Incubus @ Music Midtown Atlanta 2002: Kendrick Lamar Tour at the LA Forum 2018: Love No More: Tool Fear Inoculum Tour Los Angeles: The Thrill:
  7. I love everything about this! So cool. The disc design is amazing. And if I wasn't gushing enough, nice MD unit there! That was my first device ever and what got me into this whole shebang - I wanted to record myself playing bass 🙂
  8. Yes, old friend. That feels like many lifetimes ago now, in a galaxy far, far away. I miss those days. I appreciate everything you have done along the way!
  9. Hopefully this helps anyone it can. Toggle your language choice by going to the bottom of the page and choosing "Language" Enjoy 😊
  10. Hi, you can now get your eyesight back from the insanely bright default forum skin by scrolling all the way to the bottom, clicking "Theme" and choosing "Dark Theme." This even works for you lurking guests. Enjoy.
  11. Sorry about it not being on. More to come..
  12. Site is super zippy and a joy to use, especially on iPhone. Sony Insider just had an episode like Jon Snow dying, and then coming back stronger. I will be making more changes and modifications over the coming weeks. Lots of things to come.
  13. Hi, things should be dramatically better on all smartphone platforms. Please let me know if you encounter any further issues.
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