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Mr ed

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  1. How compatable are the rc-me33el and the rc-me35el remotes? I have a hacked n510 unit and there are details here that show a mc33el works fine with it. The list shows that the mc35el is compatible but I would like to be completely sure.
  2. Would a 35el remote work then, the guide here lists it as compatible with the 33el. I can only find a 33l (non backlight version) for sale online.
  3. Check out http://forums.minidisc.org/viewtopic.php?t=5768 this is the EXACT same problem I'm having, but with all sources, imported musoc and direct recording of CDs.
  4. I've got a problem where SS is skipping on some, possibly all the tracks I've recorded off CDs or imported from WAV files. This skipping is heard when I play the file in SS and also when it is transfered to an MD. I have upgraded to 2.0 after is was happening in 1.5, I had actually recorded about 15 CDs and then went through and found the skips so I've deleted them all and started again. The tracks I have re-recorded and checked seem OK but know I am back on the CD that I originally had problems with before (Gorillaz). I have recorded directly from the CD into SS and I have also ripped to a full rate WAV file and then imported into SS and the skipping is still there. I'm listening to the CD in question right now using the control on the front of the CD ROM drive, and it is skipping. But when ripping or recording in SS, this is a file transfer and therefore a different problem. Listening to other tracks off MD there doesn't seem to be any skipping. I've resorted to starting up windows (2k) by holding the control key down, thus preventing most of the optional processed from running and also dissabling the anti virus' TSR. I most cases this has seemed to fix the problem, but it's not the most accecptable solution. If anyone has any hints or has had a simular problem please let me know. Thanx in advance
  5. Ok, so other remotes are compatible, but which ones exactly?
  6. I just did the hack on my N510 and it worked fine, there are a few points I'd like to make: :arrow: 1. The instructions are a little off for my MD, I had to use FF not vol + to get to manual, then play. The FF once more to go to Lazer and then vol + to go to F Code. It's a very confusing menu system, I think that is on purpose to prevent people (like us) from being funny buggers :!: You can fool around going up and down the menus till you get a feel for them as long as you don't press vol -/+ when you have a hex code on screen, they're the ones with the changing letters. :arrow: 2. After switching on the extra settings, the 2 arrows in the top of the LCD for showing sound 1 & 2 on or off now don't work at all, in therory they should turn of when you pick EQ custom 1 or 2 but it doen't happen. It's not a real problem just a bit of a gripe, I would like to see when I have an EQ on or not. :arrow: 3. The LCD screen itself doesn't show the whole display and therefore you don't see some of the extra settings, such as 2/3 of the EQs level adjusts, you only see the first 3 level sliders. This goes for the timer, you only see the hour and not the minutes. Would getting an LCD remote fix this? Has anyone tried another remote with a 510? I got one that only has volume and tranport buttons, it's small though so i'm happy with it. :arrow: 4. As DS wrote, the custom EQ settings seem to disapear, it's when you take out the battery, leading me to sudgest you'll loose the PDMs as well, so you have to keep the battery charged. Sorta like the way people use mobile phones some times by chaginging them and still leaving them on to recieve calls. Hope this helps everyone, and I hope someone can tell me if an LCD remote is compatible. The text segment of the 510's screen can only show the first 6 characters of a menu setting, so if anyone knows how many text segments a remote's screen has it would help.
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