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    Japanese cars, Japanese technology, Asian pop culture

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  1. In case any of you didn't know already, the service manual for MZ N707 is hosted. http://www.minidisc.org/manuals/sony/servi...vice_manual.pdf
  2. A lot of people are having problems recording to their NetMD. If you are having recording errors(50% thru SB or about 89% or 0% in RealOne), and it is independent of which program you use, RealOne or Simple Burner, your most likely solution is outlined on this website: http://sas.seb.free.fr/ You will also find the files siteicv.dat and maclist.dat hosted on the site. And people, please don't recommend formatting your hard drive as the solution to a NetMD recording problem unless the person has a boot sector virus. If someone could put this restore file procedure in some type of FAQ or sticky, I believe that would be really helpful.
  3. http://sas.seb.free.fr/ go there and get the files.
  4. I have some internet radio shows i downloaded ( car talk) that I like to put on my minidisc. Currently I'm using LP4 recording, but is there a way to get Mono LP2 or 4? Let me see, that would be about 10 hours with the lp4 rite?
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