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Everything posted by batfastad

  1. Ok brilliant - thanks for clearing that up for me guys. Imagine if hi-md was just drag and drop of MP3s!! Then it really would sell. 4 minutes for a whole CD seems ok - I think I'll begin looking for some kind of compact flash solution where I can just drag and drop - I'll be pretty sorry to leave minidisc.
  2. dammit!!! I thought it sounded too good to be true. How long does it take to convert & transfer? pretty much the same as net md? I normally chuck stuff onto md using lp2 as it has a balance between recording time and conversion time in the software. Oh well Thanks Ben
  3. I have a couple of basic questions about hi-md I wanted to ask you. 1) I read on the hi-md info page on minidisc.org that you can just transfer MP3s and files to your hi-md unit over usb without using special software. Is that correct? It mentioned that you could just pretty much drag and drop in windows so long as your os supported USB mass storage devices. Is that true? Can you do that with an old style md disc as well so long as it's hi-md formatted? Just drag and drop? Take a look at this page... http://www.minidisc.org/hi-md_faq.html If I dropped an MP3 file on it in that way would it play on the player? 2) And you can store any sort of file on it? Just like a CF card or something? 3) I've not got usb 2 -3yr old laptop - how long would it take to transfer 1gb of data? I know it depends on whether its thousands of smaller files rather than one large file but as an estimate - how much slower is it than using a compact flash card and a card reader say? If so then I'm so buying a hi-md unit! 4) I assume to use the atrac3 and atrac3plus features though you'll have to do it through sonic stage or open mg jukebox(arrgh!). Have sony killed off open mg jukebox? I hope so. I think I'd rather buy a few more blanks rather than spending time (in my experience-yawn!) converting to atrac. 5) Which would you recommend - the mz-nh1 is it worth the money? Can you just plug a usb cable into the side of the unit so you don't have to carry the bulky looking cradle? Presumably it might be a usb-mini connector of some sort. 6) Is the rechargeable battery a chewing type job so you can just whack a fresh one in? I've got an old sony portable player (mz-e75), and a JB980s net md deck and my experiences with net md left me irritated-that sony potentially had a format which could have conquered all, but with stupid limitations on recording and stupid conversion to atrac taking ages just annoyed me. From my understanding so far hi-md could be a large step forward. I need a new portable player and was thinking about an iPod (or flash memory equivalent) but i've always favoured md because it's pretty robust as I do skiing and mountainbiking. I hope that i'm not wrong in my understanding of this hi-md business though. Ben
  4. yeah i thought sony would have done something sneaky like that - printing that it was stereo to the TOC when it's not. Is there any TOC edit software out there for netMD? So you could get right in and mess?
  5. I thought that would be the case - 64x for LP4. I knew the stereo recordings through netmd were not what they seemed but i didn't know they were still LP2. How come my old portable that doesn't support LP4 or LP2, still plays these high bitrate LP2 files? I just assumed my portable didn't support ATRAC3 and only the original ATRAC format. In that case is it just sony making sure people buy new portables to support long play by placing some sort of restriction on the LP files making sure they don't play on older portables. The whole netmd thing stinks anyway. It annoys me that we're so close to a perfect format, but with stupid restrictions from Sony. Thanks
  6. I'm in the market for a new portable as I'm increasingly using MDLP, and my old portable only supports the old long play mono recording (MZ E75). I was looking at the N10. But when it says up to 64x netmd music transfer, is that in normal stereo mode or to get 64x does it have to be in LP4? Also would it use the OpenMG jukebox that my minidisc deck (MDS JB980) uses? Thanks
  7. I have lots of MDs - 50+ now and rising. But I have nowhere to put them apart from on shelves. Has anyone found anywhere that sells minidisc sotrage racks, like all those CD ones you see around? I live in the UK so any suppliers must be able to ship to me. I've seen people with a few different ones but they got them off other people so didn't know where they originally came from. Thanks
  8. I used to have an old orion cd-md deck but it broke so I've just bought a sony mds-jb980s. I'm happy with it despite the openmg software trying to be too clever. I have a sony portable player too (mze75 - really small), but want to find another MD deck to go from md to md easily and look good in my hifi setup. Basically I want something a couple of years old so it won't recognise the netMD track limitation on the editing functions, so maybe non-sony. Or old sony that won't differentiate between netMD tracks and normal ones. As my new deck won't let me edit the netMD tracks scale factor edit, or erase the tracks without doing it through the openmg software. I want it to be an MD deck as it'll be cheaper than a portable, non-sony or old sony, a few years old, digital outputs/inputs. It doesn't have to be a full width separate either. Something fairly simple just to delete netMD tracks and maybe do the other editing functions as well such as scale factor. Any recommendations? then I'll have a look through eBay. Thanks guys
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