:!: Basically any MD player with an 'autopause' feature can be fitted with a footswitch. When the 'autopause' mode is activated the unit goes into pause mode at the end of each track. A standard 'latching' footswitch can then be used to perform the 'play/pause' function which starts playing the next track - perfect for performing 'live'.
I ended up purchasing a Sony JE-780 (£199 from Richer Sounds, UK - could have got one for £179 in silver if I'd been happy to wait for mail-order). This is an excellent unit which also includes a long-play mode which will enable me to get all of my three 45 min sets onto just one mini-disc. TR Music in Walsall, UK fitted the footswitch within a day or so for just £30 all-in. Good :wink: stuff - I expected to pay quite a bit more than this for a working solution.