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Everything posted by 1001_NiGHTs

  1. why not just put the songs in any order you want any, then press random playing mode. simple for me I would definately like to see md play other formats. In my opinion it should be vorbis, it's free and sound much better that mp3 and wma. Hail to the fish baby! <--
  2. if you could play vorbis on an md you could definately squeeze some more playing time for your buck out of the disk. has anyone heard the quality of a very low bitrate ogg (< or = 64)? IT KILLS LP4 ANY DAY 8)
  3. so type-s isn't atually recording the music at a higher quality level, it just plays it back better?? someone explain this one to me please
  4. hmm... if you have a sony portable player, or any decent hi-fi and an extension cable (if you need one) you can buy the ex71, ex51 or The Plug by koss. either that or the ex70's, but they're not all that good really. Aiwa make the VX100's which is another in ear type but that's all for under $50.... unless you have a spare $256 so you can go and buy the ER-4P's from Etymotic Research
  5. Dont go rushing into buying the first headphones you find. really there are other brands which do a great job, and sometimes even better than expected (for the same price). you should check out the audio technica and sennheiser range, they make great headphones as well, not just sony.
  6. chances are the d66's do sound better than the ex70's, almost anything more expensive (and somteimes cheaper too) does really. I've tried the d22's at the sony shop (connected to one of their older model discmans) and I really do not see how they can charge so much for a piece of crap like that. I mean even the G82's blow them away. Seriously if you're after a good pair of headphones for when you're on the street, the G82's would do pretty fine. And they wont burn as big a hole in ur wallet as the d66's
  7. hmm dont bother with wma.. it sounds very very tinny and lossy with anything below 128, which you can still here the artifacts at 128 anyway. LP2 sounds much better than any 128k mp3 and is comparable to a 192, and LP4 shows a definate difference from the original, although while you're out and about with your md sometimes it doesn't make a difference too much. But I'll say that stereo imaging is cut down a bt, thanx to joint stereo.... It really depends on how hard the incoming signal is to compress with the amount of bandwidth, the harder it is the more artifacts you'll find. Though I cant really tell you what sort is harder and what's easier to compress, just fiddle around I suppose. :roll:
  8. If your quite the quality stringent person then buying the ex70 for a non-sony md probably isn't such a good idea.. I learnt that one the hard way. Saying that they are quite nice, also very good for when you're on the bus cos you can actually hear more music instead of more bus noise. If you do buy the ex70 and you're using something non-sony and find it sounds like an isolated version of the budget earphones that come with any portable, it's easy to figure out a preset for winamp to fix up the sound, that's what I do now so they sound fine with my md and earphones. That being said, If you're thinking of buying the E888's... dont bother. You might as well save up just a tad bit more and buy the Bang & Olufsen A8 earphones. Now THEY are pretty damn fine, very light and very comfortable. The only other in-ear type earphones i can think off are the Koss The Plug ones or the Etymotic Research ER-4P (for portable stuff). I haven't had a chance to try out the etyomitcs but the koss ones are ok (cheaper than ex70 too)
  9. So does anybody really know if Type-S really is the best thing since sliced bread for the MDLP?
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