After weeks of procrastinating I've finally gone and bought a lovely little Sharp MT888 to fill all my MD needs. This is the first machine I have ever owned - its the first I've ever used - and I'm pretty chuffed with it.
Here's my question though: there is loads of stuff written about how the MT888 (and other newer models) are very quiet, especially their quiet motors. Well, having never used one before i don't know what 'quiet' is meant to be, but i reckon my motor makes a lot of noise. How can I explain it? It's louder than any CD player I have, and louder than the hard drive on my PC.
I guess I was expecting a kind of soft whirring noise when i used it, but instead i get a bitty, whizzing sound. This isn't heard over the sound from headphones, just when you listen to the unit working.
Is this normal?
Everything else is working fine: good battery life, have recorded digital, analogue, from cds, from sound card, microphone etc etc, but i don't want it to die on me when i'm travelling. That would make me mad.
Cheers for helping out this newbie