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Everything posted by SteveMcGlinn

  1. I'm having the same problem. This is really frustrating! Anyone out there know how to fix this? I noticed that, when I try to transfer a track from my MD, some sort of message (probably the old message indicating a transfer in progress) flashes too quickly to read in the little status box, then the progress bar goes completely green, suggesting a completed transfer. All this happens in the blink of an eye. The track doesn't get transferred, of course. I'm wondering if there's some sort of buffer file or intermediate transfer file that's sitting out there and doesn't get removed, so that Sonicstage thinks the transfer is complete. I don't know. Just speculating. Does anyone know how I can go back to version 3.2 or 3.3? Thanks, Steve
  2. I recently purchased a Sony MZ-nh900. I installed and updated Sonicstage. I was really excited by the prospect of being able to upload personal HI-MD recordings to my computer. Well, true to form, Sony has programmed nuisances, annoyances, and downright evil behavior into Sonicstage. Why was I stupidly thinking that they had turned over a new leaf? Here's the problem: you can only upload a track ONCE from your minidisc to Sonicstage - and if you try it again, without warning Sonicstage will DELETE THE TRACK FROM THE MINIDISC!!!! That's right! Sonicstage will even open up a little 'transfer progress' window that makes it look like the track is being transferred, but then it closes and the track is removed from the minidisc! And you can only transfer files if the minidisc in question is not write-protected. So, you can't protect against this diabolically fiendish deletion of files. I avoid this problem by writing a symbol on the minidisc that tells me I've already uploaded the tracks once, and by write-protecting the minidisc so that Sonicstage will refuse to attempt a file transfer. If Sony wants to enforce their stupid limit of one upload of personal recordings (My God, that's stupid!), then at least they could give you a warning message and an option to cancel the upload of a track you inadvertantly try to upload a second time. I'm a long-time Sony minidisc recorder fan - I've owned several of their machines - but I must say that this latest screwball programming in Sonicstage trumps all of the other stupid things they've ever done with minidisc. Maybe I should have known better. Why did I think I could trust Sony to do something right? Steve
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