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About hunterkiller

  • Birthday 10/19/1990

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i don't know because i don't live in japan but if you want to buy a game in the internet you should try this website if you want to buy a game in this site, you will have to register first... their service is very good also.. i've buy a couple game from this site.. so you can try it....its easy. japan is in asia, so i guess it will be free shipping.....
  2. i think your memory stick is probably fake cause i'm using 2gb stick and has the same problem like you and my m.stick is fake.. my friends has 2gb and it transfer smoothly in the sonicstage and his memory stick is original so..., i think that is your problem, Fake Memory Stick
  3. to make it playable on 2.80
  4. you can use SUPER here it can convert any videos to mp4 & avc & it can also convert music enjoy
  5. my favourite game is burnout legendsand locoroco
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