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  1. Akitarent


    I have had a great mini disc player since 2000. I am looking for a minidisc recorder/player as simliar to the SONY MZ-R50 as possible. I am looking for a minidisc player that works well with music. It should have an: optical line out, optical line in, mic, mic sensivivty and a bass that can be ajuested or automatic so it does not overpower the music. Possibly antishock/skip and long battery power and adapter Also something not over $200 if possible! www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-R50.html Thanks guys! Neal Nbenning@Wagner.edu
  2. Akitarent


    I have had a great mini disc player since 2000. I am looking for a minidisc recorder/player as simliar to the SONY MZ-R50 as possible. I am looking for a minidisc player that works well with music. It should have an: optical line out, optical line in, mic, mic sensivivty and a bass that can be ajuested or automatic so it does not overpower the music. Possibly antishock/skip and long battery power and adapter Also something not over $200 if possible! www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-R50.html Thanks guys! Neal Nbenning@Wagner.edu
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