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  1. kurisu, Thanks for the reply. I guess this leads me to 2 more questions. 1) I read that the usb adapter becomes the defalut audio source if it's plugged into the USB port. if this is the case, can i still monitor the output through my pc speakers or just through the headphones in the minidisc. and 2) Because my minidisc player doesn't have digital output, can you tell me what the quality is like when you record like that? Is it cd quality or at least decent quality? Thanks alot in adavnce
  2. I hope this isn't a redundant question, but I want to know if it's it worth it to purchase a Xitel USB MD-Port DG2. How much better is it than just plugging a minidisc recorder into the headphone jack in my mixer and recording that way. Thanks
  3. Kevin, Thanks or the reply. I saw the n505 going for $129 on amazon. I don't need a mike in, just a line in so I'll go with that. thanks again
  4. kylwyvern

    recording mixes

    Any opinions on the sony MZ-N505?
  5. hola, i'm want to record my live mixes from my computer to an external source. I've been looking at the minidisc recorder as a solution. I'm looking at the Sony MZ-N505, but i'm open to suggestions. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks Wyvern
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