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Everything posted by songjoy

  1. I just wanted to add that the problem seems to occur only when encoding ATRAC3PLUS. ATRAC3 appears to encode fine for me (at least I have not encountered any noticable change in track mark position so far when encoding ATRAC3).
  2. I am also experiencing this problem. I noticed it since 3.3 and after upgrading to 3.4 the problem persists. The track mark is earlier than it should, so at the beginning of each track, one can hear half a second of the last song. It is not part of the ripping as I have tried importing WAV's, which sonicstage plays back correctly. When I converted them into ATRAC3PLUS and deleted the WAV's I am left with messed up tracks. It seems to happen with many if not all albums I try to encode.
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