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Everything posted by xispe

  1. yep, it works. HiMDRenderer can convert digitally recorded tracks via optical.
  2. the conclusion is that: atrac is the worst encoding around! :laugh: :laugh:
  3. damn it, now you have your line in jack with a plastic cover inside... :| . Now you probably can't record from an analog source, or a digital source, because the cover is stucked inside the jack. If it is too deep, i don't even know how you are going to take it out...
  4. with write protection on you can't even transfer the file to sonicstage... You must switch it of, for the track to be transfered.
  5. the only problem that i have with sonicstage regarding VBR mp3s files, is the file lenght, that sometimes is bigger than the real lenght... but in terms of sound everything seems ok. I am using ver.
  6. hey Marc! i'm getting an error starting up the application. It says that some "libmmd.dll" is missing. I click ok, receive another equal message, and click ok again, and then the application starts, but i can't output to OOG or FLAC. This dll is for what ? Can you include it in the distributable zip? Thanks for all the good work! :grin:
  7. but on the other hand hi-lp sounds much better than lp4! (although both of them kind of suck...)
  8. nh800 cheaper than nh700 ? well... the units are the same, and nh800 has that remote thingy, how come it is cheaper than the nh700 that comes with a non lcd remote without radio ??
  9. who cares, as long as it works! Unfortunately these gifts aren't as usual as we'd like!
  10. in that case you would use the marc's himdrender! i still need to test this properly, to be sure about this restriction.
  11. the so called fake SP sounds good when recorded using my NH700, can someone investigate this ? This is not as good as the good old SP, but is way better than LP2.
  12. GREAT NEWS! This could lead to many improvements!
  13. i used the standard ones, i don't know the reference right now, but they are the most common ones. Non zener.
  14. you see, hi-md for mp3 handling, just kind of ... sucks damn. lol
  15. i've tried in my nh700. It didn't transfered anything...
  16. hello ? anyone knows this ?
  17. nice! i'm interested in these results also. I have a NH700 and some of my recordings are done in that "fake SP mode" i notice that the thing isn't as good as with real time recording via an optical output. follow up with the tests! :grin: :cool:
  18. well i think that those are good news. There's going to be a "Mp3 file manager software" for "direct transfer of MP3 to the device, without going through SonicStage software". Let's wait and see what kind of conversion is involved in this. BTW, what about those sony cd players that support both mp3 and atrac3/atrac3+ ? Is the decoding DSP chip the same as the one used in hi-md? If so, we do have mp3 decoding machines in our pockets, without even noticing it...
  19. "Kawanishi also mentioned that the PSP will be able to play back video files in H.264/AVC MP Level3 format. Sony Computer Entertainment is debating whether to release a tool for the PC that allows users to convert videos on their computer to the supported file format, Kawanishi said. " ahahah! nice.. we can play mp3 music, but for playing videos it's necessary to convert to that wierd format... "it makes me remember of the good old times when we had to convert everything to ATRAC"! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ... damn it, i'm still converting MP3 to ATRAC
  20. i used marcnet's himdrenderer, and rendered an optical recorded track :grin:
  21. i uploaded succesfully a track recorded in my nh700 via optical from a my CD player. The source CD is a original one, that contains those weird copy protection systems from... Sony...
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