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    mz nf 810

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  1. anyone know a simple easy to use method of saving audio from the bbc website (the new show from radio 4) and copying it to my mini disk. i have onboard sound card so i dont think its duplex or anything. thanks
  2. thanks for that ouijaouija, i may get a stero one if i cant make one myself, but they look simple enough so i will have a try. i just need to find a maplin close enough.. i am in the UK yeah. and a happpy bunny today just found a local shop with disks 5 for five pounds with a plastic storeage box as well. memorex ones 74 min, they seem quite good.
  3. hello can anyone tell me if the nf810's optical is output or is it only input? or do i need to use analoge on the headphone jack? thanks im trying to find a way of recording from md to pc, software recomendations? i need a quick Simple way, one programe if poss.
  4. hi i was just checking ebay for disks and saw this has anyone got/used one? is it any good? i would use it mostly for interviews or recording amient sounds. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...&category=15056 thanks
  5. anyone know of a utility of some sort (free) that allows you to convert RAM audio files to minidisc format? and or mp3 so i can listen on my pc also. thanks i dont want to reinstal realone mostly i want the files on minidisc.
  6. it is a sony product, thats why i thought it may work.. ah well
  7. will ACID® Pro 4.0 software work with netmd? will it allow transfers both ways on usb?
  8. is there a version of this in zip? msi files are not supported on my pc. also it dont say how much it is, only that its not free ware. :roll:
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