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  1. Jolae

    Please Help!

    thanxxx you save my PC, i didnt know what did this problem now all works fine, uninstalling ffdshow:)
  2. hey i must thank you you are my ass saver:)
  3. Problem solved..i installed version 2.0 and problem is solved...dunno why version 2.1 doesnt work..
  4. yep Service Pack 2 and all updates, and sonic stage complete instalation from connect.com (version 2.1)
  5. Hi, i reinstalled my Windows XP Prof. , i wanted to use new sonic stage 2.1 on fresh windows but i cant transfer tracks into MD (tracks are various MP3s) i alway got this message: Cannot convert the specified track. SonicStage does not support the file format of the track. Reason Why I havent installed any codecs pack, only DivX 5.2 and i havent installed Windows Media player.... Anybody could help me? Thx Jolae
  6. Maybe it sounds crazy but i will use it like portable "disk" (i am downloading a gigas of mp3s) so i will record maaany albums to one Hi-MD disc and recording from optical sources.... But the main problem in my country when i live now is that sellers have only normal MD mediums, not Hi-MD...how many costs Hi-MD in your country? or in dollars? TIA and THX
  7. Thx very much!! Downloading now, i am from jamaica but this site isnt on connect list so i choosed my almost native language:) thx again, BTW. what do you think about Hi-MD 700 series?
  8. Hi, i am fan of your site, i have two minidisc MZ-R700 and MZ-N505 (looking for new Hi-MD 700 series:)) I downloaded instalator from www.connect.com, installed it but its version 2.0.06 16140 i heard that there is version 2.1 fixing many problems.... I selected united Kingdom on site... Anybody could help me? Thanx in advance and mainly sorry for my English I LOVE THIS FORUM!!
  9. definitely new Hi-MD
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